Practical DIY Ideas for Creating Great Bathroom Storage


All of us want extra storage space in bathroom, for it is one of the busiest corners of every home. Disorganization and too much of clutter not only ruin cleanliness and good looks, but also affects the versatility of this highly functional area.

Today, however, there are numerous smart bathroom storage ideas for you to choose from. These clever designs help you make the most of every inch of available space and don’t cost a lot, allowing you to keep all your bathroom goods neat, ordered and close at hand. These smart storage ideas help save money that you would otherwise spend on home improvement and besides, you can practice most of them all by yourself at home.

Here are some easy-to-practice DIY ideas for creating more space in your bathroom:

Handy Shelves

Handy Shelves for Shower Supply Storage

Conditioner and shampoo bottles create huge clutter near your bathtub and around. In that case, a safety-glass shelf hung on cable brackets is the best possible solution, for it is easy to install and takes quite little space.

You need just two screws to support the cable shelf bracket, and you can even use toggle bolts to fasten the brackets in case studs are not placed in the right place.


Corian Mounting Strips

Magnets and Corian Mounting Strips for Toothbrushes 

Toothbrushes lying on wet and cluttered corners due to scarcity of space are the most common problem in bathrooms. As a very simple and highly effective solution, you can attach neodymium magnets to a fine Corian mounting strip using glue. Use a quality glue or silicone caulk when gluing the strip to your bathroom wall. When your setup is ready, hand your toothbrushes in vertical manner.


PVC Pipes

PVC Pipes and Cords for Curling Irons  

Curling irons placed randomly on the toilet tank or the vanity crate a messy scene within your bathroom. You can attach a 5-inch length PVC pipe of a diameter of 2 inches to your vanity door in order to hold the curling irons.

You should use a quality hook-and-loop service tape and follow the same procedure to mount 3-inch pieces of 1-1/2-inch-diameter PVC pipe to grip the cords. Measure curling irons to identify how long holsters you need and make sure you let curling irons cool before tidying them away.


Cabinets for Mounting Electric Toothbrushes

Your common toothbrush holders are too small and congested to keep your electric toothbrushes, and this is the reason they are often disposed of on to the dirty bathroom surface.

You can use big grip-type clips to make a spacious holder for your electric toothbrushes. Fix the clips on a piece of wood or medicine chest that can be hung on the wall. These clips take negligible space and keep your electric toothbrushes safe.

Vintage Basket

Vintage Basket for Storage

Hanging a beautiful vintage basket near one of the ventilators using a hook is one of the smartest storage ideas for bathroom. This creative and unique storage space will store lots of bathroom items including towels. Since these baskets hang close to the roof and don’t interrupt with the busy bathroom area, you can use two or three at a time depending upon the size of your bathroom.

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