How to Make an Invisible Book Shelf


Bookshelf Invisible

The bookshelf can be invisible. But that’s not a magic trick. It is just a smart assembling of the things together to create this illusion. Since we are not a magician, we are not bound by magician’s oath.

And it would be fun and easy to make. Are you ready?

Materials You’ll Require

  • A Big Hardcover Book You will never Read Again
  • Measure Tape
  • Glue
  • Knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill Machine
  • L-Bracket (similar to the size of your “sacrificing” book)
  • Short Flathead Screws x 2
  • Long Flathead Screws x 2 (should be long enough to go through the L-bracket into the wall stud)
  • Level

Let Start the Process!!!


As we have told you—take a book you won’t read ever again. It will provide support to the other books.


  • Open the book
  • Place an L-bracket onto the inside of the book
  • Draw a mark at the center point on the page
  • Put the flat side of the L-bracket on the book to see the pencil line in the center of the bracket holes.


Use the hobby knife and ruler to precisely cut into the pages of the book tracing the outline of the bracket. The cut should be deep enough so the back cover of the book can be closed tight against the pages when you insert the bracket.


Place the L-bracket into the notch keeping the L pointed in the direction of the front cover of the book. It will let you flip the whole thing over and high it appropriately when you are done with it. Notch should be created on the top edge of the book to hold the L-bracket.


Time to screw the bracket to the book! It is easy to do. Just use your short flathead screws for this purpose. You can use a drill machine to screw them through the pages from the back of the book. This can be little daunting and you may require someone to press down on the pages so they don’t get up while you turning the short flathead screws.


In this step, you will secure the pages to make the book sits appropriately flat. You need to make two holes using a drill machine. The holes should be near the outside corners of the book. Secure the pages by using screws into the holes. Apply a liberal amount of glue on the inside back cover and close it.

Leave it for 8-12 hours under the stack of books to let it dry.


Find a wall stud using a stud finder or knocking the wall till you get a “hollow sound”. Stud is a vertical beam that will provide support to the things attached to it with screws. Drill the book into the wall stud using long flathead screws.

So you must have understood one of the easiest methods to make an invisible bookshelf. What do you think? Do you have other ideas on mind? Please let us know by commenting below.

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